AboutMy Will was created out of a financial advice firm which was established by Mark Rawlings in 2003.
While advising clients on how best to deal with their assets and build their financial wealth, the financial advisers noticed that many clients didn’t have a valid Will to determine where these assets would go after their death.
In order to resolve this, Mark created AboutMy Will in 2008 to offer clients a professional solution to creating a Will and provide peace of mind with the knowledge that their assets would be dispersed according to their wishes and their Estate’s organised in a very efficient manner.
Mark qualified as Chartered Accountant in 1992 and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, the Institute of Charted Accountants in England and Wales and is also a member of the Society of Will Writers.
Mark’s vast knowledge of Financial Services, Estate Planning and Accounting has helped create AboutMy Will where we aim to provide each of our clients with the highest level of Will Writing service in England and Wales and our team of Will Writers embrace this ethos.
The Society of Will Writers act as a self-regulatory body by vetting practitioners through stringent membership requirements, proficiency standards and on-going training.
No Time?
You can arrange a meeting with a Will Writer at a time that suits you.
Too Complicated?
One of our professional Will Writers can walk you through your Will step-by-step.
Too Expensive?
We offer competitive fixed prices for the peace of mind a Will can provide.